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We offer a wide variety of services to help you in starting and growing your business


We offer a wide variety of services to help you in starting and growing your business​

Business Services

Business Analysis

Business analysis is the process of examining your company's operations, systems, and objectives in order to identify areas for improvement and to develop solutions to achieve those improvements. Business analysis involves analysing data, gathering information, and creating reports that provide insights into your company's performance and help to identify opportunities for growth and optimisation. As a business owner, business analysis can help you to better understand your company's strengths and weaknesses, as well as the external factors that affect your business. By using business analysis techniques, you can make more informed decisions and implement strategies that will help your business grow and succeed in today's competitive marketplace.

Business Strategy

When looking at your business strategy, we mean the plan of action that a business takes in order to achieve its long-term goals and objectives. It involves making informed decisions about how the business will operate, compete, and grow over time. A well-crafted business strategy will consider factors such as the market environment, customer needs, competition, and available resources, whilst outlining specific steps that your business can take to achieve success. As a business owner, it is important to develop and continually refine your business strategy to stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is the plan of action designed to promote and sell a product or service. It involves identifying your target audience, understanding their needs and preferences, and developing a unique value proposition that sets your product or service apart from the competition. A successful marketing strategy should also include tactics for reaching and engaging with your target audience through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, advertising, and content marketing. By implementing a strong marketing strategy, your business can build brand awareness, increase sales and revenue, and create a loyal customer base.

Data Input and Analysis

Data Input and Analysis Data input and analysis are essential processes for business owners seeking to make informed decisions, based on facts, rather than intuition or speculation. Data input involves collecting information relevant to the business, such as sales data, customer feedback, and market trends, through various channels, such as surveys, social media and web analytics. Once data is collected, it is analysed using statistical techniques and other data analysis tools to identify patterns, trends, and correlations. This helps you to gain insights into your operations, identify opportunities for improvement, and make data-driven decisions that can lead to improved business performance.

Accounting Services

Accounting services are an essential aspect of any business operation. They involve the process of recording, analysing and interpreting financial transactions and data to ensure that a business remains financially healthy and compliant with relevant laws and regulations. Our Accounting services can include bookkeeping, tax preparation, financial reporting, and advisory services to help business owners make informed decisions about their financial strategies. By outsourcing accounting services to professionals, you can save time and money, reduce errors and fraud, and focus on running and growing your business.

Property Services

Property Opportunity Discovery & Qualification

Property opportunity discovery and qualification refers to the process of identifying and assessing potential real estate investment opportunities that align with your business' strategic goals and financial objectives. This involves conducting research and analysis to evaluate factors, such as market trends, property values, location, and potential for future growth and on going monitoring of opportunities for a trigger point. By qualifying potential property opportunities, you can make informed investment decisions that can help drive growth, expand your operations, and increase profitability. It is an essential process for any business looking to invest in real estate, as it helps mitigate risks and maximize returns on investment.

Remote support for Serviced Accommodation

Remote support for Serviced Accommodation Remote support for serviced accommodation refers to the provision of assistance and troubleshooting services to business owners who manage short-term rental properties such as vacation homes, serviced apartments, and Airbnb listings, from a remote location. This support may include technical assistance with property management software, online booking platforms, and other digital tools, as well as advice on marketing strategies, pricing, and customer service. Remote support can help you save time, increase efficiency and provide better guest experiences, while also reducing the need for on-site staff and minimising operational costs. Overall, it is a convenient and effective way for business owners to manage their serviced accommodation properties from anywhere in the world.

Land/Site Finding for Property Development

Land/site finding is the process of identifying and acquiring suitable land or property for property development projects. This involves researching and evaluating potential sites, based on various criteria, such as zoning regulations, market demand, access to utilities and environmental factors. Business owners engaged in property development rely on land/site finding to identify the most viable location for their project and to negotiate the purchase or lease of the property. However, this process requires careful analysis and due diligence, to ensure that the chosen site meets the specific needs and objectives of the development project. That’s why we have the right staff in place to support you in getting the best results.

Guaranteed rent opportunity discovery & qualification

Guaranteed rent opportunity discovery and qualification is the process of identifying and evaluating potential opportunities for generating steady rental income for business owners, whether it is a mini-HMO or serviced accommodation. This involves searching for properties that have a high demand for rental, assessing the market value and potential rent for the property, and negotiating favourable lease terms with landlords. Once a suitable property has been identified, business owners can secure a guaranteed rent agreement with the landlord, ensuring a stable and predictable income stream for a set period of time. The qualification process involves assessing the financial stability and creditworthiness of the business owner, as well as their ability to meet the terms of the lease agreement. By taking advantage of guaranteed rent opportunities, you can reduce your risk and increase your cash flow, giving you the space to focus on growing your business without worrying about rent fluctuations.

Property Trading /Deal packaging

Property trading or deal packaging is a real estate investment strategy that involves finding and negotiating deals on properties, then packaging those deals and selling them to other investors for a profit. You can get involved in property trading by either buying properties to package and sell, or by serving as a deal broker, bringing together buyers and sellers and earning a commission on the transaction. This can be a lucrative venture for those with a good understanding of the real estate market and a talent for negotiation and deal-making.

Social Media

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing involves using various social media platforms to promote a business or brand, build a community of followers and drive engagement & sales. It typically involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as engaging with customers and followers through comments, direct messages, and other social media features. Social media marketing can be an effective way for your business to reach a wider audience and build brand awareness, as well as to connect with customers and build relationships. It can also be a cost-effective way to promote products or services and drive sales, particularly for small businesses with limited marketing budgets. However, social media marketing requires a strategic approach, including setting clear goals and objectives, defining a target audience, creating engaging & relevant content, and measuring & analysing results. This is what we can help you with, allowing you to have a strong presence on social media.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of improving a website's visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). This is achieved through a combination of techniques, such as optimizing the website's content and structure, building high-quality backlinks, and using relevant keywords and phrases. SEO is essential because it can increase the amount of organic traffic to their website, which, in turn, can lead to more sales and revenue. By optimising your website for search engines, you can ensure that your target audience can easily find your business when searching for related products or services. This can give you a competitive edge and help you reach a larger audience.

Content Calendar Creation & Implementation

A content calendar is a tool used to plan and organise content marketing efforts. It involves creating a schedule of topics, themes, and types of content that will be created and shared across different channels such as social media, blogs, email, and others. To create a content calendar, we start by defining your target audience and marketing goals. We also identify the types of content that will resonate with your audience, the frequency of content publishing, and the channels where they will share the content. Once the content calendar is created, it should be implemented consistently, with all team members following the schedule and contributing to the creation and distribution of content. This will help you to stay on track, avoid duplication, and ensure that your content is aligned with your marketing objectives.

Social Media Community Engagement & Nurture

Social media community engagement and nurture refers to the process of actively interacting with your followers and building relationships with them on social media platforms. This involves regularly responding to comments and messages, sharing relevant and valuable content, and creating a sense of community around your brand. By engaging with your followers, you can develop a loyal fan base who will be more likely to support your business and recommend it to others. Additionally, by nurturing these relationships, you can gain insights into your customers’ needs and preferences, which can help inform your marketing and product development strategies. Overall, social media community engagement and nurture is a vital component of any successful social media marketing strategy, as it allows you to connect with your target audience and build meaningful relationships with them over time.

Paid Ad Campaigns

Paid ad campaigns are a form of digital marketing where businesses pay to have their marketing material displayed on various online platforms, such as search engines, social media platforms or websites. These ads are targeted to specific audiences, based on factors like demographics, interests, and behaviour. The goal of paid ad campaigns can be to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to a website, generate leads, or increase sales. You can choose from various types of ads, including pay-per-click (PPC), display, and social media ads. With paid ad campaigns, one of the things you can do, is to retarget the people who engage with your ad initially, increasing the probability that they will convert. We also work to get the right ad in front of the right people, using AB testing, analysis and much more.


Custom Application Development

Application development involves the process of designing, building, testing, and deploying software applications for various platforms such as web, mobile, or desktop. Applications can be a valuable tool to streamline operations, improve customer engagement, and increase revenue. They can be customised to meet specific business needs, such as managing customer data, tracking inventory or automating repetitive tasks. They can also provide a seamless user experience, allowing customers to easily access products or services, make purchases, and interact with your brand. Working with us ensures that your applications are secure, scalable and meet industry standards. Additionally, we can support you with ongoing maintenance and updates, which are critical to keep your applications running smoothly and safely.

Web Development

Web development refers to the process of building and maintaining websites and web applications. It involves various stages, such as designing, coding, testing, and deployment of a website. Web development plays a crucial role in establishing an online presence and reaching out to customers in today's digital age. For businesses, web development is essential to create a professional, user-friendly, and responsive website that can effectively showcase their products and services. A well-designed website can attract more visitors, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive more sales and revenue. Web development can be divided into two main categories: front-end development and back-end development. Front-end development deals with the user interface, while back-end development deals with the server-side programming and database management. We can help with both, by giving you full end-to-end support in bringing your new website to life and maintaining your website long-term.


Sales Funnel Design & Implementation

Sales funnel design and implementation is the process of creating a framework that guides potential customers through each stage of the sales process, from awareness to purchase. This involves identifying the key touchpoints along the customer journey and designing specific actions and communications that encourage them to move to the next stage. The goal of a sales funnel is to increase the likelihood of converting leads into paying customers by providing them with relevant information and building trust in your brand. It can also help you to identify areas where you may be losing potential customers and make changes to improve your conversion rates. To design and implement a successful sales funnel, we start by defining your target audience and understanding their needs and preferences. We then map out each stage of the sales process and develop strategies and tactics for engaging customers at each stage. This might include creating content, offering promotions or incentives, or providing personalised support and guidance. Ultimately, the key to a successful sales funnel is to continually test and optimise your approach based on customer feedback and data. By continually refining your strategies and tactics, you can improve your conversion rates and drive more revenue for your business.

Course Content Creation & Implementation

Course content creation and implementation involves designing and developing educational materials that teach a particular subject or skill. As a business owner, creating and implementing courses can help you train your employees, educate your customers, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. To create effective course content, you should start by identifying the specific learning objectives you want to achieve, then determine the format and delivery method that will best suit your audience. You may also need to consider factors such as timing, budget, and the level of expertise required to develop and deliver your course. Then we can help you create the content, from filming to editing and everything in between! Once you have created your course content, we can help you implement it through a variety of channels such as webinars, e-learning platforms, or even social media.

Lead Prospecting & Qualification

Lead prospecting and qualification are essential steps in the sales process for any business. Prospecting involves identifying potential customers or leads who may be interested in your products or services. This can be done through various methods such as networking, referrals, and targeted marketing campaigns. Once we’ve identified potential leads, the next step is to qualify them. Qualification involves determining if the leads are a good fit for your business by assessing their needs, budget, timeline, and decision-making authority. This helps ensure that you are spending your time and resources on leads that are more likely to convert into customers. By effectively prospecting and qualifying leads, you can focus your sales efforts on the most promising opportunities and increase your chances of closing deals. It is important to have a clear understanding of your ideal customer profile and to develop a process for lead management to streamline your sales efforts and maximize your ROI.

Investor Prospecting & Qualification

Investor prospecting and qualification are essential activities for business owners who are seeking investment for their company. Prospecting involves identifying potential investors who may be interested in investing in the business, while qualification involves assessing whether these potential investors are a good fit for the company. To effectively prospect for investors, you should first define your target investor profile based on factors, such as investment size, industry focus, and investment stage. We can then use various resources, such as investor databases, social media platforms and networking events to identify potential investors who meet these criteria. Once potential investors have been identified, you should then undertake a process of qualification to assess whether the investor is a good fit for the business. This can involve researching the investor's investment history, reviewing their investment thesis and portfolio companies, and meeting with them to discuss their investment objectives and expectations. Overall, effective investor prospecting and qualification can help you to identify the right investors for your company, which can increase the likelihood of securing investment and help to ensure a successful partnership.

Customer Success & Sales Agents

Customer success and sales agents play crucial roles in the success of a business. Customer success agents are responsible for ensuring that customers have a positive experience with the company's products or services and are satisfied with their purchase. They help customers solve problems, answer questions, and provide guidance on how to use the product or service effectively. Sales agents, on the other hand, are responsible for generating revenue for the business by identifying potential customers, pitching the product or service, and closing deals. They need to be skilled at building relationships with customers, understanding their needs, and communicating the value of the product or service. Together, customer success and sales agents can help businesses build strong relationships with their customers, increase customer retention rates, and ultimately drive revenue growth. By investing in these roles and providing them with the training and resources they need to succeed, business owners can set their companies up for long-term success.


Managed IT as a Service

Managed IT as a Service (ITaaS) is a model in which businesses outsource their IT management and support to a third-party service provider. With ITaaS, we take on responsibility for all aspects of the business's IT infrastructure, including hardware, software, network, and security. The primary benefit of ITaaS is that it frees you from the burden of managing your own IT infrastructure, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. We have expertise in the latest technologies and we can help you stay up to date with the latest IT trends and best practices. ITaaS is a great option for businesses of all sizes as it ensures your IT systems are reliable, secure and cost-effective.

Call centre handling

Call centre handling is a critical aspect of customer service for any business that interacts with customers over the phone. A call centre is a centralised facility where our trained customer service representatives handle incoming and outgoing phone calls from customers. The goal of call centre handling is to provide your customers with efficient and effective assistance, whilst resolving their queries, issues or concerns. Effective call centre handling requires well-trained staff, efficient call routing systems, proper technology infrastructure and effective communication processes (everything we have!) You can benefit from outsourcing your call centre operations to us, by seeing improvements in the quality of your customer service, cost reduction and improved customer satisfaction. Regular monitoring and analysis of call centre performance metrics can help you optimise your call centre handling and improve overall customer experience.

Customer aftercare

Customer aftercare refers to the ongoing support and attention that a business provides to its customers after a purchase has been made. This includes activities such as responding to customer enquiries, addressing any issues or concerns, and providing helpful information or resources. By prioritising customer aftercare, you can build stronger relationships with your customers, increase customer loyalty, and ultimately improve your overall reputation and bottom line. Effective customer aftercare involves being responsive, empathetic, and proactive in addressing customer needs, as well as consistently communicating with customers to ensure their satisfaction and loyalty over time.


Automation refers to the use of technology to perform tasks and processes that would otherwise require human intervention. It can help you increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve quality by replacing manual or repetitive tasks with automated systems. Automation can free up employees to focus on higher-value tasks which require human creativity and problem-solving skills, ultimately leading to increased productivity and time saved.

Bookkeeping and accounting

Bookkeeping and accounting are two important functions that are essential for managing the financial aspects of a business. Bookkeeping is the process of recording financial transactions such as sales, purchases, receipts, and payments. It involves creating financial records, reconciling accounts, and producing financial statements such as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. Bookkeeping is a fundamental part of accounting and provides the necessary data for accounting analysis. Accounting, on the other hand, involves analysing, interpreting, and presenting financial information to make informed business decisions. It includes using the data generated by bookkeeping to create financial reports, identifying financial trends, forecasting future cash flows, and making financial projections. Accounting also includes tax planning and compliance with accounting standards and regulations. Bookkeeping and accounting are both critical functions for your business. Bookkeeping provides the necessary financial records, while accounting helps you to make informed decisions, based on financial data. By properly managing these functions, you can ensure the financial health and success of your business.

Operational management

Operational management is the process of designing, implementing, and improving the systems and processes that a business uses to produce goods or services. It encompasses all the activities involved in managing the day-to-day operations of a business to ensure that it runs efficiently and effectively. This includes managing resources, such as people, equipment, and materials, as well as optimising processes and workflows to increase productivity and quality. Operational management also involves monitoring performance and using data analysis to identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions. By focusing on operational management, you can improve the overall performance of your organisation, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately achieve your strategic objectives.

CRM Set Up

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a set of strategies, practices, and technologies that businesses use to manage and analyse customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle, with the goal of improving customer retention and driving sales growth. Setting up a CRM system involves defining the goals and objectives of the business, identifying the data that needs to be collected, selecting the right CRM software, training employees to use the system effectively and integrating the CRM system with other business processes. By implementing a CRM system, you can gain a better understanding of your customers' needs and behaviours, then use that information to tailor your marketing and sales efforts, improve customer service, and ultimately increase customer loyalty and revenue.


Amazon Dropshipping (FBA)

Amazon Dropshipping, through FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), is a business model that allows business owners to sell products on Amazon's marketplace without having to handle inventory or shipping. Instead, the business owner sources products from a supplier and has them shipped directly to Amazon's fulfillment centres. Amazon then handles the storage, packaging, and shipping of the products to customers. This allows the business owner to focus on marketing and sales while Amazon takes care of the logistics. The business owner pays fees to Amazon for this service, but in exchange, they can take advantage of Amazon's massive customer base and reputation for reliable and fast shipping. Overall, Amazon Dropshipping can be a profitable and low-risk way to sell products online. We help with all of the logistics required and can get you set up from the very beginning, whilst helping you maintain the brand long-term.

Shopify Dropshipping

Shopify dropshipping is a business model, where a retailer (the dropshipper) sells products online without physically stocking them. Instead, the dropshipper partners with a supplier who holds the inventory and fulfills the orders on their behalf. With Shopify, you can easily set up an online store and connect with suppliers from around the world through integrations with various dropshipping apps and platforms. This allows you to offer a wide variety of products to your customers without the need to invest in inventory or shipping costs upfront. The dropshipper is responsible for marketing and selling the products, while the supplier handles the fulfillment and shipping. The dropshipper earns a profit by selling the products at a markup price above the supplier's wholesale cost. Shopify dropshipping can be a great opportunity for business owners looking to start an online store with low startup costs and a flexible business model. However, it requires careful product selection, strategic pricing, and effective marketing to succeed. We help with all of the logistics required and we can help you maintain the brand long-term.

Product Creation for E-commerce

Product creation is the process of developing a new product or service that meets the needs and wants of your target audience. It involves identifying customer needs, researching the market and competition, developing a concept, designing and testing the product, and finally launching it to the market. To create a successful product, you need to have a deep understanding of your target audience and their needs. By conducting market research to identify gaps in the market, you can determine what customers are looking for in a product. Once you’ve identified a potential opportunity, we can help you develop a concept for your product and start the design and testing phase. During this stage, we will work on product design, prototyping, and testing with you, to ensure that the product meets customers’ needs and is of high quality. Finally, we help you to launch the product to the market and engage in marketing and promotion to ensure that it reaches their target audience. They will need to monitor customer feedback and make any necessary adjustments to the product to ensure its ongoing success. Overall, product creation is an essential process for any business looking to develop and launch new products or services that meet the needs and wants of their customers.

We are ready to help you scale